- If Task Manager is not working, try to access it using Windows Command Processor (cmd). To call the program go to Start -> Run, type in "cmd" (without quotes) and press Enter. To see Windows process list, type "tasklist" and press Enter. To end unwanted process, type "taskkill /im process_name" (for example taskkill /im notepad.exe).
- If cmd cannot be launched the way described above try the following method: go to system32 folder (C:/Windows/system32/) and rename cmd.exe to cmd.com. Then double click renamed file. For task manager operating commands through cmd see above.
- If cmd method did not work, try to unblock Task Manager this way: go to system32 folder (C:/Windows/system32/) and rename taskmgr.exe to taskmgr.com. Then go to Start -> Run, type in "taskmgr.com" (without quotes) and press Enter. It will launch Task Manager.
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