Pcindanger.com was started in 2007 and is further developed until now.
Who We Are?The Website was created with the idea to introduce users information about particular computer problems encountered, offering solution to get rid of them. All information contained Pcindanger.com is related to malicious objects (viruses, trojans, misleading applications), that pose the risks to computer security and user privacy.
The main objectives - to investigate computer-based threats that may be causing security gaps, create tutorial based on available research data, that is comprehensible to the End-user, adding technical information about the object for advanced users.
Trying to draw attention to recently widespread use of anti-virus software fraud, our team seeks to inform user about the latest misleading applications, their behavior and removal methods. Consumers are advised how to deal with one or another situation where a computer system disorders occur, making proper and well thought decisions.
Website's Tech Info.
The Website has been tested with the following web browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera. No divergence has been noticed regarding correctness of individual webpages.
All the pages on the Website has been successfully checked as HTML 4.01 Strict. The validity of the Website has been tested with W3C Markup Validation Service.